Lap Band? Realize Band? BEWARE!

(deactivated member)
on 2/6/11 6:02 am - Modesto, CA

I don't have a problem at all with you posting the "negative" stats about the band.  Everyone should have all the facts - the good, bad and ugly. 

I think the reason people get upset with you are statements like this that you make:  

"I always say “Do your research" and I always get the response…."I have". Bull****
If any halfway intelligent person did real research on having an adjustable gastric band put in at this point in time would not have it done."

Those are the kind of remarks that people find offensive.  Most people do alot of research prior to going through any kind of bariatric surgery.  They don't just wake up one day and say "I think I'll have lap band surgery."  I researched for a couple of years and at first chose to do a liquid diet program instead of surgery because any kind of surgery terrified me.  Lost alot of weight, but gained it all back, plus more.  It was after that final failure that I chose to have lapband. Because any kind of surgery scares me, the risks associated with bypass scared me to death.  Too many people die from that surgery and I personally know two who almost did.  I also know a couple that had the surgery, lost all their weight and have since gained all of it back.  Well, that can happen to any surgery.  I was not interested in DS, I didn't want anything malasorptive (sp?) and the sleeve is not covered by my surgery and I really didn't want a surgery that cut off any organs.  So the lap band was my best option.  And if I ever lose this band, I won't revise to any other surgery.  I will just be on my own at that point. 

Anyway, I digress.  My point is that I find it both insulting and offensive to have you call me stupid.  I have supported you in other postings, but my support starts to wane when you call me stupid.  Maybe you didn't intend to, but that's the way it comes off.  Making a choice that you personally disagree with because of your band experience and because of these stats, does not make a person stupid.  It means that even considering these stats, the band was still their best option for reasons you don't know because you don't know these people.  Just because you don't agree with their decision, you should still respect their decision and not call them stupid.  It's unfortunate the band has not worked for you the way you hoped, and it's good for you to tell your story so that people considering surgery have both sides.  But don't say anyone who is "halfway intelligent" wouldn't choose the band because alot of people who are more than halfway intelligent have chosen the band and are perfectly happy with it.

Also, I want to add that I have had the band for two years and like you I don't think I've ever reached the "sweet spot."  But unlike you, I don't consider the band a failure.  I've got restriction, none that allows me to go 4 hours without hunger after half a cup of food that I read others post about, but I have enough restriction that I eat smaller quantities and have lost weight.  Maybe slower than others, some of that is my fault for making poor choices but some may be because I haven't got that sweet spot.  I personally think the sweet spot is a mental thing, not really a physical thing.  And, I'm beginning to think I won't know it even if I reach it.  I'm confused how I've been too tight and needed an unfill twice, and yet I've never been at that sweet spot I read about.  I often say I don't love my band, I'm just in like with it.  I say that because I've not reached that sweet spot, but boy I hope I never lose this thing, it has saved my life.  My point is that it's just perspective.  I could say my band has failed because after two years I haven't obtained that sweet spot, but I don't consider mine a failure.  It's helped me lose 76 lbs and keep it off.  I can't ask for anything more.

To finish, I'm sorry to all that my post is so long and please know I mean no offense.  Maria, always know you have the right on this board to post your story and any "negative" stats about the band.  Just try not to add comments that come off like a personal attack on bandsters and that offends others because it doesn't help your case.

Take care,
on 2/6/11 6:24 am - Athens, GA

Thanks for your post cat. I never called anyone stupid. I know I now feel stupid. I thought I had researched the band. Obviously I did not research it enough. Had I come onto the band forum PRIOR to betting the band I never would have gotten it! I see way too many ppl with no restriction, not at goal, slips, leaks, dysmotility.

And as far as personal attacks.............well I never intended to do that b/c as u well know..........I have had more than my share of unprovoked personal atttacks! (Think JEAN!)

So sorry you have still not reached "sweet spot" after all this time. I feel the medicall professionals had a responsibility to tell us that not reaching restriction/sweet spot is so common. Since most of them don't...............I DO!

Quick question for you. Had you known then that you could be 2 yrs. out with no "sweet spot" and still struggling would you have still gotten the band???


on 2/6/11 8:15 pm - MI
I SAY "AMEN" well said. Everyone does need to know what the risks are, if we are going to quote stats let's use recent ones. LapBand has been around a long time and many improvements have been made which changes the stats.

I among many others did a lot of research and made my decsion based on which surgery is best for ME. I know people who have had other types of WLS and understand the risks they took as well as the ones I chose.

I am sorry the band doesn't work for some, but for ME it does. When I talk to people about my success (because I have no adverse effects) I always encourage them to do their research about risks before making a decision.

This board is a great place to get is not where you come to get bashed for making a choice. If you can give constructive advise I say go for it. But when you cross the line and start using name calling you are no longer an asset to the board.
MaMa M

on 2/6/11 6:57 am

Remember…………….Think twice, cut ONCE! well with the band you dont have that much cutting its only  to get in to place the band.

on 2/6/11 7:30 am - Athens, GA

Actually there is a lot of cutting. They have to cut through the scar tissue that's formed around the band and also possible adheasions that have formed as well. :-(


Jo N.
on 2/6/11 7:37 am - Crawfordsville, IN
I agree with you on the only point that not enough people regarding the having the band as their "tool" of choice do have/get enough research or are just plan out lied to by their surgeon. In the 5+ years I've had mine & have been a member on here, that's the exact reason why I had to leave the board for awhile as to keep my own personal sanity about my choice to have the band. Because I researched. I chose the band. I was successful. I felt absolutely horrid that others didn't even know basic bandster care or rules or even posted outrageous things told to them by their surgeon and after care givers. So on that point totally agree with ya. There needs to be more honest open information about banding.

After that though you loose me. Because the choice of your words & how you word your words make you sound overly hateful about your choice of the band & being "snickered" by the real reality of it. I'm truly sorry that you have that much anger. I'm sorry you were lied to. I'm sorry that you believed whatever you were told by a professional. When you get to wording your concerns, even unintentionally, with that anger & hurt it pushes people away from what your truly trying to concern them with or educate them about. Kinda like the phrase "you get more bee's with honey then vinegar", your wording sometimes comes across as the vinegar even though your information is the honey.

I truly wished you had had a better experience. I truly wish you hadn't been mislead, hurt, & lied to by whomever about the band. It's a injustice to you that you weren't allowed to make an honest choice because however it came to be but information was withheld from you.
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


on 2/6/11 8:06 am - Athens, GA

THanks Jo. Glad you hve done so well with the band!


(deactivated member)
on 2/6/11 8:31 am - Modesto, CA

In answer to your question, yes, I would get the band again. I don't really feel like I'm struggling, to be honest with you.  It doesn't matter to me if I ever reach the sweet spot because I feel like I'm doing fine without it.  Yes, sometimes I wish I were losing faster, but alot of that is my fault.  I feel like I really didn't do much last year  and yet I still lost about 20 lbs.  I credit my band for that.  I guess most bandsters would not be happy with a 20 lb. loss for a year, but I'm just happy that without dieting in any way I lost 20 lbs instead of gaining.  Lately, I've started watching what I eat and I'm going to get back to the gym this week (I haven't gone for about three weeks because I've had bronchitis).  My reality is that before the band a binge was a half gallon of ice cream.  With the band a binge is a pint.  That's a win to me.

I don't know how much restriction you have, mine is to the point I can eat about a cup of food at a sitting, but I'm usually hungry within 2-3 hours.  My RD says I should only be eating 1/2 cup when I'm in the sweet spot without feeling hungry again for 4 hours.  I doubt if that will ever happen.  If I eat appropriately, I can lose weight with the restriction I have and I have started losing again.  I have not had a fill in about three months and that has been my choice.  I like keeping my band looser - I am no longer chasing the sweet spot.

I really hope never to lose this little piece of plastic inside me.  It may not be working exactly the way I expected, but I've never lost weight like this and kept if off, so I'm happy.  I know that I can lose the rest of the weight I want to lose with the band.  Recently, with all the coughing I've been doing, I've worried about slipping my band, and that's really made me realize how much I don't want to lose it. 
on 2/6/11 8:45 am - Athens, GA

I guess it is all a matter of perspective. Glad you are happy with your band. Hope there are no problems from all the coughing with the brochitis. Hope your feeling much better!


on 2/6/11 9:07 am - Bayonne, NJ
I have lost 106 lbs with the lapband. To me this is success. And that with going through the sudden death of my husband this year and having a very underactive thyroid and diabetes. But I follow the rule and exercise 4 to 5 times a week. I have a lot of friends that have had bypass and have not lost as much as me and some of them are gaining their weight back. So yes I'm happy about my lapband and it was a personal choose.
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